
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 28, 2010

Yes, Virginia...You are All Right

Jonathan Bean

It is always nice to report good news. In the long struggle for sanity on college campuses, occasionally schools "do the right thing." In this case, the University of Virginia has eliminated all speec......

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October 28, 2010

New Excellent Program: UCLA Center for Liberal Arts and Free Institutions

Ashley Thorne

This center fosters the study of free institutions, Great Books, Shakespeare's plays, and the meaning of life.

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October 28, 2010

Law Schools are Indoctrinating Rather Than Educating

Don Racheter

The Iowa Association of Scholars observes that law schools suffer from political bias, and that in turn, the U.S. judicial system suffers.

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October 27, 2010

Next Week in D.C.: Lukianoff Speaks to NAS Chapter

Ashley Thorne

Friends in D.C., we hope to see you on Monday, Nov. 1, when FIRE president Greg Lukianoff will address the D.C. chapter of the National Association of Scholars. He will speak on "CLS v. Martinez......

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October 27, 2010

At the Ballot in AZ Nov. 2: Proposition 107

Ashley Thorne

Next week Arizona citizens have the historic opportunity to reject racial preferences in state institutions, including public universities, by voting YES on Proposition 107. Learn more: NAS's argu......

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