
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 15, 2011

Schlesinger May Have Been a Good Historian, But...

George Leef

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal included a letter from a writer who thought that he could counter a recent op-ed by Charles Koch, arguing that the federal government does too much, costs too muc......

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March 15, 2011

Academic Questions Author Lawrence Mead on BBC

NYU professor Lawrence Mead, an author in a recent issue of Academic Questions, did a feature for the BBC on welfare reform in the UK.

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March 15, 2011

If Even Krugman Says It...

Peter Wood

Peter Wood weighs the liberal commentator’s view that American higher education is no longer the path to prosperity in America.

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March 14, 2011

Conflict at Brooklyn College: Horowitz Talk on Video

Mitchell Langbert

Video of David Horowitz's presentation at Brooklyn College is here. Horowitz writes an extensive article about his talk at Brooklyn College on Frontpagemag, which appeared Friday. I attempted to......

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March 14, 2011

Is Teaching a Team Sport?

Jason Fertig

Students learn better when their courses fit together and build on one another. Jason Fertig counsels professors in each major to see themselves as teams united by overarching education goals.

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