
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 21, 2011

Video: Robert Weissberg on Limits to Learning

Robert Weissberg talks about the factors, such as cognitive inability and American schools' emphasis on edutainment, that limit students' capacity to learn.

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March 21, 2011


Will Fitzhugh

Educational special interest agents can be effective only if they focus on the actual academic work of our students, argues Will Fitzhugh.

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March 18, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Student journalists consider the 2012 presidential race, the need for greater tolerance on campus, how to fix the budget crisis and what to think of a former secretary of state.

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March 17, 2011

Systemic Anti-Semitism at UCSC

Mitchell Langbert

Dr. Ken Marcus of the Institute for Jewish and Community Research sent me this link to a Scribd file copy of Tammi Rossman-Benjamin's 29 page letter of complaint date to the San Francisco Office......

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March 17, 2011

College Costs More Because States are Defunding It

George Leef

So goes one of the standard explanations for the continual rise in the cost of going to college. In this Cato@Liberty post, Neal McCluskey tears it apart. Until recently, college and university lead......

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