
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

June 10, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Student reporters survey the scene, including LGBT athletics, misdirected institutional priorities, the positive influence of bogus apocalyptic expectations and the problems of required diversity co......

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June 10, 2011

Originalism in the Classroom

David F. Forte

David F. Forte provides a detailed legal history of originalism and investigates whether, and to what extent, originalism is a part of law school teaching on the Constitution. This article appears in......

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June 9, 2011

Suppression for Thee, Free Speech for Me

Mitchell Langbert

I sent this letter to the editor of the faculty newspaper of the City University of New York, The Clarion.

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June 9, 2011

New York Association of Scholars Statement to the CUNY Board

NAS’s New York affiliate believes a CUNY resolution intended to help community college students transfer to four-year schools has the unintended consequence of severely undermining academic st......

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June 8, 2011

Random Thoughts On Student Evaluations

Glenn Ricketts

It's pretty easy to find bona-fide empirical studies illustrating some of the major limitations of those student surveys that most of us are obliged to administer to our classes every semester.

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