Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

We present our regular review of selected student journalists and editors. Today, they examine the ins and outs of identity politics, the wrong way to recoup budget shortfalls, fighting in the right kind of army and getting the federal government out of higher education.

  1. A writer for the Oklahoma Daily explains why he would take up arms as a member of the Zapatista Liberation Army.
  2. Although there is no formal discrimination against the university’s LGBT athletes, an op ed columnist for The Stanford Daily thinks more attention to the “little things” is necessary to make them feel completely accepted.
  3. Identity politics is appealing on the surface, but a staffer for the UND’s Dakota Student has run into a thicket of practical problems trying to accommodate an ever-burgeoning number of “identities.”
  4. The editors of the Daily Texan worry that UT administrators, in an effort to offset the state’s budget cuts, will seek to increase enrollment and necessarily lower the school’s academic standards.
  5. Even if recent predictions for the Apocalypse didn’t pan out, a contributor to the Daily Utah Chronicle thinks they compelled many people such as himself to reflect on life and its priorities.
  6. A writer for The Dartmouth finds troubling implications in some recent remarks by his college’s president.
  7. U of P president Amy Gutmann should pay closer to attention to the immediate needs of her university, rather than gaze at congressional initiatives in Washington, says a news analyst for the Daily Pennsylvanian.
  8. Recently, the House of Representatives enacted a resolution declaring that President Obama should not commit US ground forces to Libya. Big deal, writes an opinion columnist for the Indiana Daily Student. 
  9. Grinnell College is right to celebrate the diversity of its student body, but a writer for the Scarlet & Black is troubled by the lack of open discussion of “diversity” issues on campus.
  10. At the same time, a colleague writing in The Daily at the University of Seattle has some problems with his school’s undergraduate “diversity” requirement.
  11. A recent graduate of the University of Maryland explains to readers of The Diamondback why the federal government should not be in the education business.
  12. If Williams College students are serious about effective sustainability, a columnist for the Record suggests that their campus dietary habits may need some modification.


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