
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 21, 2011

Free Speech Zoned Out at Drake University

Glenn Ricketts

Free speech seems to be ever more unpopular on college campuses these days, where it’s increasingly regarded as an unwelcome nuisance. The administration at Drake University have decided that......

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December 20, 2011

Court of Appeals Fails to Defend Freedom of Speech in Counseling Profession

A panel of three judges has ruled that Christian beliefs about homosexuality disqualified a student from pursuing a degree in counseling.

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December 20, 2011

The Many Problems of Online Education

J.M. Anderson

Online courses are very popular with students, and have the enthusiastic endorsement of senior academic administrators. The only problem, says J.M. Anderson, is that the students aren't learning......

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December 19, 2011

The Presidential Candidates' Higher Ed Policies

Ashley Thorne

At the Pope Center, Jenna Ashley Robinson has a helpful roundup of the Republican presidential candidates' stated higher education policies. 

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December 19, 2011

Science Self-Corrects Even When Scientists Don't

Kerry Emanuel

Kerry Emanuel responds to a recent commentary on "Climategate 2" and contends that attempts to discredit climate scientists are ideologically driven and constitute a war on science.

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