
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 17, 2014

The MOOC Chronicles Part 4: Community

Rachelle Peterson

The closing lecture of an "Introduction to Sustainability" MOOC reveals the limited reciprocity between teachers and students in online learning environments.

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March 17, 2014

NAS Member Robert Paquette Receives Award for His Defense of Academic Freedom

National Association of Scholars

National Association of Scholars member Robert L. Paquette received the Jeane Jordan Kirkpatrick Prize for Academic Freedom.

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March 14, 2014

The World Citizen on Campus

Peter Wood

The campus Left has found a new way of fostering a soft disdain for the American civic tradition: teaching students to be “citizens of the world.”

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March 13, 2014

Ohio Association of Scholars Meeting

National Association of Scholars

The Ohio Association of Scholars will host a meeting in April.

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March 12, 2014

Mary Grabar Writes About "Food Studies"

George Leef

Mary Grabar writes about the growing popularity of "progressive" Food Studies programs among colleges.

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