
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 11, 2016

The Origins of the Readable Writing Method: Part I

John Maguire

John Maguire tells how he started teaching students to write using the Readable Writing Method. Part 1.

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October 11, 2016

#PCSubtitle: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

National Association of Scholars

Join us in remembering the classics and poking fun at political correctness. Can you compose a PC subtitle for a book by Dostoyevsky?

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October 6, 2016

No Regrets

Peter Wood

NAS president Peter Wood reflects on laments and satisfaction in life. 

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October 3, 2016

#PCSubtitle: Beatrix Potter

National Association of Scholars

What politically correct subtitles can you compose for Beatrix Potter's stories? 

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October 3, 2016

The President of Portland State University Upholds Intellectual Freedom

Chance Layton

President Wim Wiewel explains in an email to students that the University is committed to free speech, peaceful protest, and "robust debate."

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