
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 24, 2016

#PCSubtitle: Edgar Allan Poe

National Association of Scholars

This week’s assignment is any story, poem, play, or novel by Edgar Allan Poe. What politically correct subtitle can you add to his works?

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October 18, 2016

The Origins of the Readable Writing Method: Part II

John Maguire

John Maguire tells how he started teaching students to write using the Readable Writing Method. Part 2.

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October 17, 2016

Federalist Universities

Rachelle Peterson

To what extent is the university a microcosm of the political party system?

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October 17, 2016

#PCSubtitle: Ernest Hemingway

National Association of Scholars

Add your politically correct subtitle to any book by Ernest Hemingway. 

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October 13, 2016

Register Now for NAS’s January 2017 Conference

National Association of Scholars

Celebrate NAS’s 30th anniversary at our 2017 conference in Oklahoma City, "Securing Liberty: Rebuilding American Education in an Era of Illiberal Learning." Paul Rahe will give the keynote......

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