
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 23, 2009

FIRE Reports: U Minnesota Promises Not to Mandate Beliefs

Ashley Thorne

The Foundation for Individual Rights has announced that the University of Minnesota, in response to a letter from FIRE, promised that "[n]o University policy or practice ever will mandate any partic......

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December 23, 2009

Virginia Tech Tries to Enforce Ideology in Strategic Diversity Plan

Peter Wood

Back in March, I received a leaked copy of a plan for one of the colleges at Virginia Tech.  It was a new set of guidelines for faculty promotion and tenure that would require every candidate t......

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December 22, 2009

Perhaps Yale Administrators are the Sissies

Ashley Thorne

FIRE president Greg Lukianoff has an article in the Huffington Post about Yale' s qualms over a t-shirt with an F. Scott Fitzgerald quote: "I think of all Harvard men as sissies." Lukianoff wrot......

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December 22, 2009

Virginia Tech Reasserts 'Diversity' Folly: Part 2

Peter Wood

NAS fisks Virginia Tech's new Strategic Diversity Plan, which fills the sandbags of advocacy against the rising tide of common sense.

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December 21, 2009

Robert P. George in the New York Times

Ashley Thorne

Check out this NYT article on NAS Board of Advisors member Robert P. George. 

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