The Sheer Racism of 'White' Science

Candace de Russy

  • Article
  • January 04, 2010

If we don't somehow manage to wrest the public schools from the clutches of the left, it will bring us all down. A recent example of its insanity is the approval of a proposal (scheduled soon to come before the Berkeley School Board) by the Berkeley High's School Governance Council to eliminate science laboratory classes because "science labs were largely classes for white students." The council is a body of teachers, parents, and students whose mission is to alter the structure of the California high school in order to ameliorate Berkeley's yawning racial achievement gap, that is, white students are performing far better on the state average than black and Latino students. Thomas Lifson condemns this perverse measure, rightfully urging that it be widely ridiculed:

Aside from the repulsive racism of this move, the broader issue to be considered is whether society is better-served by cutting down the achievers and investing in the stragglers -- or whether everyone benefits from the achievements of those who apply themselves enough to excel. I have no hesitation in saying that I am in the latter camp. How does it benefit anyone to have an America made up of mediocre minds?
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