
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

February 10, 2010

Florida Students Petition to Make Mandatory Sustainability Course Optional

Ashley Thorne

Florida Gulf Coast University students say mandated eco-propaganda actually fosters anti-environmentalism.

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February 9, 2010

Minorities Set Up Whites-Only Scholarship Program

Ashley Thorne

The Oregon League of Minority Voters has announced its intention to create a college scholarship program for white students who will study race relations. Via the Chronicle of Higher Education, the......

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February 9, 2010

Professor Bertonneau Replies

George Leef

       Tom Bertonneau's recent articles for the Pope Center have drawn some criticism on the NAS blog. He has written this reply: The responses posted on this......

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February 9, 2010

Overheard at Starbuck's: A Parents Call

Ashley Thorne

Parents and grandparents of college students, we’d love to hear from you. Do you have a memorable comment your child has said about his or her college experience?

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February 8, 2010

Help NAS Through 'Give a Tweet'

Ashley Thorne

Be the first to donate to the National Association of Scholars through Give a Tweet, a new Twitter fundraising site! Give a Tweet enables companies and individuals to match donations so that giving......

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