Sexual Harassment Again?

Glenn Ricketts

  • Article
  • February 12, 2010

The title may be a bit misleading, since we've never suggested that genuine harrassment isn't something that needs to be dealt with swiftly and forcefully. But we've also had major problems with the kind of sexual harrassment codes which treat simple accusation as an indication of guilt and invite malicious, vindictive or frivolous charges of harassment from disgruntled students, antagonistic colleagues or cynical, calculating administrators. Today' s Inside Higher Education issue carries a lengthy story indicating that the more troublesome type of harassment code may be an issue at the Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, which has certainly had its share of controversy regarding free speech, academic due process and related issues over the last decade. We'll be watching, since we certainly don't want a reprise of the harassment hysteria which dogged many campuses during the 1990s. Our Illinois affiliate head Jon Bean, who was quoted in the IHE article, is a professor at SIU and will be able to provide first-hand information.

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