
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 4, 2013

Sorry, Chronicle, No Swift Exit for NAS

Peter Wood

Peter comments on the Chronicle's article about NAS turning 25 and "showing its age."

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March 4, 2013

The History of Bowdoin College from 1952 to 1978

Michael Toscano

NAS has published its fifth entry, "Bowdoin's History from 1952 to 1978," in its series of contextualizing observations for the Bowdoin Project.

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February 28, 2013

Emory University's Outcry Against Its President

George W. Dent

Emory University President John Wagner has been vilified by faculty and students for praising the three-fifths compromise in the original Constitution.

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February 28, 2013

Social Justice and the Economy

William H. Young

William Young explores the probable economic impact of redistributionist social justice policies.

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February 27, 2013

Fishy Courses: The Fake Red Snappers of Academe

Peter Wood

A lot of subjects in college catalogs have a fishy odor.

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