
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

August 4, 2017

College Reinstates Professor Who Said White People Should "F***ing Die"

Peter Wood

NAS's Peter Wood and Dion Pierre write that Trinity College, along with other schools around the country, needs to draw a line between legitimate and illegitimate claims of academic freedom.

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August 3, 2017

Open House Invitation: Come See Our New Office

National Association of Scholars

Join us for an open house at our new office space in September.

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August 2, 2017

Reflections on the Misery in Missouri

J. Martin Rochester

The second of a five-part essay, Mizzou Madness: A Case Study of Non-Diversity, Non-Freedom, and Non-Academics in Higher Education, by political scientist J. Martin Rochester.

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July 31, 2017

One-and-a-Half Cheers for Claremont McKenna

Rachelle Peterson

Rachelle Peterson applauds the school's decision to discipline several students who obstructed free speech and calls for increased vigilance from all college administrators to protect free speech.

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July 31, 2017

Modern vs. Western Thought: Postmodern Subjectivism

William H. Young

William Young examines the impact of postmodern subjectivism on American higher education and public affairs.

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