Seth Forman Joins NAS Staff

Peter Wood

  • Article
  • March 08, 2018

I’m pleased to introduce Seth Forman, the newest staff member at the National Association of Scholars.  Seth joined NAS as Managing Editor of Academic Questions on March 5, 2018.

Seth has a Ph.D. in American history, as well as a Master of Public Administration degree.  He is a previously published contributor to Academic Questions, and a veteran of teaching positions at Stony Brook University, Nassau County Community College, Long Island University, SUNY Farmingdale, and Suffolk County Community College.  He has also been employed in state government.

His most recent book is American Obsession: Race and Conflict in the Age of Obama (2011).  He is also the author of Blacks in the Jewish Mind: A Crisis of Liberalism (NYU Press 1998) and The Fire Island National Seashore: A History 1964-2004 (SUNY Press 2008).  Seth is an experienced journal editor, a deft writer, and someone deeply committed to NAS's mission.  His primary responsibility at NAS will be to manage the production of Academic Questions, as well as copy edit NAS reports and other documents as needed.

Here is what Seth had to say about joining NAS.

The NAS and Academic Questions has been at the forefront of the battle for the free flow of ideas in academia and, consequently, all of our major institutions. A confluence of events has recently occurred that, for whatever reason, has served to shine a light on a number of serious campus malpractices that need to be addressed. This is a great opportunity—and an honor—to play a role in this important endeavor, especially under the auspice of such a noble and distinguished organization. 

Please join me in welcoming Seth to NAS. He may be reached at


Image Credit: Seth Forman

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