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Ashley Thorne

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  • February 01, 2010

The State of the University, Ashley Thorne, NAS What President Obama's State of the Union address means for the future of higher education. Howard Zinn, Silent, Peter Wood, NAS Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States, has died. Early Vacations and Entitled Students, Glenn Ricketts, NAS Has self-esteem education gone way too far? Rubik's Cube or Kaleidoscope? The AAUP's Academic Freedom Scholarship, Ashley Thorne, NAS NAS congratulates the AAUP on the launch of its new Journal of Academic Freedom. Core Curriculum for Civic Literacy, Erin O'Connor, Critical Mass On Donald Lazere's proposal for a collegiate core curriculum training undergraduates in civil literacy. So Your Freedom-Loving Child is Going to College, Part 1 So Your Freedom-Loving Child is Going to College, Part 2, Steven Horwitz, the Freeman How do you pick the right school? Losing Liberal Arts, Valerie Saturen, In These Times "If a liberal arts education becomes a luxury, the implications for civil society are profound."

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