RatemyProfessors and Student Customers

Glenn Ricketts

  • Article
  • March 23, 2010

A newly released Kaplan survey seems to support what many instructors have already sensed about the widely popular site, Ratemyprofessors: students actively shop around for faculty members - they're often junior and untenured - who give out lots of A and B grades, don't assign much reading, and have relaxed attitudes toward class attendance, punctuality, etc. These, in other words, are the "best" professors. Not surprisingly, the authors of the study suggest that this is a contributing factor to the rampant grade inflation which continues to expand in most of the contemporary academy. Full disclosure: yes, I've peeked at my own Ratemyprofessors evaluations a couple of times, and am generally regarded as a big meanie who takes attendance, expects assignments to be completed, and doesn't grade on a curve. I've also viewed the comments directed at some of my colleagues. Overall, I'm struck - but not surprised - by the puerility of many of the student posts, which are little more than temper tantrums. They paid for the course, right? And aren't they entitled to a good grade? This study suggests that many professors think so, and assign grades accordingly. No doubt, many of them stand in fear of failing to win tenure or promotion, in view of the undue weight already given by faculty committees and administrators to student evalutions. Most unfortunately, as my own experience confirms, some of these folks also give RatemyProfessors comments more than a little consideration as well. I guess if we can't be exactly sure what students might be learning, we can at least hope that they're satisfied customers.



Image: Pixabay, Public Domain

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