Political Science Needs Diversity

Glenn Ricketts

  • Article
  • October 24, 2011

It sure does. Like many other academic disciplines, Political Science (full disclosure: that's my field) is ideologically lopsided, and you find the same left-oriented political homogeniety that dominates the academy in general: a very high concentration of political scientists vote the same way, endorse the same political candidates and hold largely similar views on contentious issues where the general public seems more genuinely varied. I was once an APSA member, but dropped the association some years ago because the organization was swamped with the same race/gender/culture/ethnicity themes that pervades higher education with relentless, tedious uniformity. You'd be hard pressed to find almost any other social sector outside the academy where such political and ideological sameness is so widespread and so tenaciously longstanding.

So what do you suppose is the conclusion of a report that the APSA released last week (read about it here at IHE) with regard to its state? Why, that the organization urgently needs to "diversify" itself and its mission to a far greater extent. And how should it do that? By giving far more weight to issues of race, gender, "social justice" and inequality, of course. Apparently the already heavy ideological uniformity isn't nearly enough; it needs lots of reinforcement. I don't think I'll be renewing lapsed membership.

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