Articles for 3/1/10 Week

Ashley Thorne

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  • March 05, 2010

Check out this week's articles at Member Alert We want to make sure you are receiving your issues of Academic Questions on time. Let us know if you've had any problems with your subscription. Debating Diversity at Smith College...No Comment, Glenn Ricketts, Mar. 1 Two contrasting student views of the "main topic" at Smith College. Chivalry Lives: An Interview with Blayne Bennett, Ashley Thorne, Mar. 3 Gentlemanliness is not dead; it's just dormant, says the Network of enlightened Women. Unimaginable Calamity, Peter Wood, Mar. 4 How does global warming doctrine's foothold in higher education fit with the integrity of science? Articles of Interest This Week, Ashley Thorne, Mar. 4 A roundup of must-reads in higher education news. Sustainability Links, Ashley Thorne, Mar. 4 Articles of note on campus sustainability - of special note is UF's "40 days of change" leading up to Earth Day. Is Earth Day the new Easter? March Forth, Peter Wood and Ashley Thorne, Mar. 4 On March 4 thousands of students at universities around the country and especially on California campuses are rallying to protest tuition hikes in public higher education. College costs have indeed become exorbitant, but is this the right way to confront the excess? Suitable for Framing: Revisiting Virginia Tech's Diversity Litmus Test, Ashley Thorne, Mar. 5 This month last year, NAS showed Virginia Tech had made “diversity” service a requirement for faculty promotion and tenure.

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