NAS in the News This Week

Ashley Thorne

Newspapers, blogs, and other online publications frequently draw attention to the work and writings of the National Association of Scholars. This week NAS had a spike in publicity when we released our report on freshman summer reading, Beach Books: What Do Colleges Want Students to Read Outside Class?. Among others, CBS, Inside Higher Ed, The Huffington Post, Minding the Campus, and The Chronicle of Higher Education, took notice.

NAS President Peter Wood also had an op-ed published by Huffington Post, Enrique Goes to College.”

In other news, Dr. Wood’s comments on the academic freedom implications of Ken Cucinelli’s investigation of Michael Mann are mentioned by Human Events and Michael Bérubé at the blog Crooked Timber. And NAS member Ze’ev Wurman was appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger to California’s Academic Content Standards Commission.

Below are this week’s press clippings, beginning with the most recent. To read future articles and blog posts that highlight NAS, check out NAS in the News or subscribe to our weekly email newsletter for each week’s news updates.

Global Warming Fraud?
June 09, 2010 By Joseph A. D'Agostino - Human Events

Reading is Fun
June 09, 2010 By Jason Pace - Aim for the Head

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Appointments to Academic Content Standards Commission
June 07, 2010 By Valerie Gotten - California Newswire

Get Your Leftist Education All Year Round! Summer Reading Lists!
June 07, 2010 By Nicole Hungerford - NewsReal Blog

Advanced Agnotology
June 07, 2010 By Michael Bérubé - Crooked Timber

The NAS Responds to Me
June 07, 2010 By John K. Wilson - College Freedom

Enrique Goes to College
June 06, 2010 By Peter Wood – Huffington Post

What Freshmen Will Read
June 04, 2010 By Scott Jaschik - Inside Higher Ed

Report Assails 'Liberal Political Agenda' of Summer Reading Programs for Freshmen
June 04, 2010 By Kelly Truong - Chronicle of Higher Education

Required Reading in Science
June 04, 2010 By Chad Orzel - Uncertain Principles

What's Wrong with Huckleberry Finn?
June 04, 2010 By Lynn O'Shaughnessy – CBS, Money Watch

Does UF's Book Assignment Show a Liberal Bias?
June 04, 2010 By Nathan Crabbe - The Chalkboard

Are Colleges' Summer Reading Lists TOO Left-Leaning? Report Says Yes
June 04, 2010 By Leah Finnegan - Huffington Post

Scholars on the Beach
June 04, 2010 By John K. Wilson - College Freedom

Summer Reading for Freshmen—Arrggh
June 03, 2010 By John Leo - Minding the Campus

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