Marxist Education - Ho, Hum

Glenn Ricketts

  • Article
  • January 08, 2010

Apparently it's it's not a big deal to note the influence of Marxist ideas in schools of education, as long as it's done by a member of the guild. Check out this recent piece by our friend K.C. Johnson over at Minding the Campus.  I' m sending this from a secure remote location however since, when Ashley Thorne - not herself an education professor -similarly stated the obvious in this space a couple of weeks ago, some of the comrades got themselves into quite a state of hyperventilation.  Actually, ed. school training these days just as often brings those other Marxes to my mind, although they don't seem to have much influence in training new teachers. But if you read the responses to Ashley's piece, you'll see that education faculty don't laugh a whole lot. Too bad that Groucho & Co. aren't still with us, since Professor Hackenbush could certainly bring a different kind of Marxism to the curriculum.

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