Happy Birthday FIRE

Ashley Thorne

 The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) today celebrates ten years ofdefending Constitutional rights on college campuses. Alan Charles Kors and Harvey Silverglate founded FIRE in 1999 to combat "the systematic violation of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, due process, and other basic rights on campuses across the nation." Ever since then, FIRE has done great work, fighting - and often winning - battles on behalf of students, faculty members, and administrators whose freedoms were under attack. Tonight FIRE is hosting an anniversary gala, where NAS members Dr. Jan Blits and Dr. Linda Gottfredson will be honored with a special award for their efforts in exposing the abuses of the University of Delaware residence life program since 2007. The National Association of Scholars salutes FIRE's good work, and we are proud of the competent and influential organization it has become.

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