Comment on The Irreproducibility Crisis: Daniele Fanelli

National Association of Scholars

Dr. Daniele Fanelli, Fellow in Quantitative Methodology, Department of Methodology, London School of Economics and Political Science, has commented on The Irreproducibility Crisis at his blog--partly in support and partly in dissent. Dr. Fanelli has requested that we not reproduce his text on our website, since he may revise it in future. We provide this weblink, so you may read his commentary there.

Dr. Fanelli takes a more cautious view about the prevalence of irreproducible research, and thinks a number of our policy suggestions would be counterproductive.

The National Association of Scholars is grateful to Dr. Fanelli for providing this comment. We urge the public and policymakers to look at his critique of our position, so that they may know the range of professional opinion about the irreproducibility crisis. We are happy where he agrees with our recommendations--and we are respectfully listening to his dissent, which we will incorporate as we continue our work on the irreproducibility crisis.

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