Collegiate Press Roundup 8-26-10

Glenn Ricketts

We present our regular sampling of student journalists and editors, who are gearing up for the new academic year. This week, our writers examine perils of “sexting,” opposite views on the Ground Zero mosque and the reasons why college students take longer to mature nowadays. 

  1. A former staff writer for the Daily Pennsylvanian offers some thoughts on male-female disparities and why some aspects of that matchup will never change.
  2. The regular sex columnist for the Cornell Daily Sun tells readers what to expect from her corner of the paper in the coming academic year.
  3. At the UNC Chapel Hill, the editors of the Daily Tar Heel assay the state system’s financial straits and the challenges facing the new chancellor just appointed.
  4. A staff editorial in UC Berkeley’s Daily Californian cites a poll indicating that, for all of its anti-war activism and liberal politics, the university is surprisingly “military friendly.” This, the editors hope, will help to produce a more “nuanced” public view of the school. Some colorful comments follow.
  5. As Dartmouth sophomores prepare to return shortly as juniors, a staffer for The Dartmouth examines their collective maturity level and asks why adulthood seems to take longer to reach these days.
  6. For University of Arizona students who are really serious about reducing their carbon footprint’s mark, a columnist for the Daily Wildcat argues that Ecuador provides a sterling example to emulate.
  7. As the new school year approaches, a journalist for the University of South Carolina’s Daily Gamecock warns fellow students about the social and legal perils of “sexting.”
  8. Just back from her summer as an intern in the British Parliament, a writer for U of M’s Michigan Daily describes the reverse culture shock of her return to life in Ann Arbor.
  9. A Miami Student columnist with vivid and painful memories of the 9/11 attacks explains why the proposed Ground Zero mosque should be built elsewhere.
  10. A student writing in The Daily Illini at U of I reaches the opposite conclusion, and hails President Obama’s defense of religious freedom.
  11. With students about to return for the start of the Fall term, an op-ed writer in UCLA’s Daily Bruin urges the school to get moving on implementing greater equality and gender-neutrality in its undergraduate dorms.
  12. A guest columnist in the Indiana Student argues that while capitalism is indeed subject to periodic market failures, the alternative of stifling regulatory bureaucracies would be infinitely worse.
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