Collegiate Press Roundup 4-29-10

Glenn Ricketts

We present our regular sampling of student journalists and editors, as they address various and sundry topics in their campus newspapers.  As the academic year winds toward final exams, student journalists find time to take on the wimps at Comedy Central, immigration reform, the broadening of horizons gained by overseas travel, feminist pornographers and the malaise that’s cut the country loose from its bedrock principles. One even stumps for president of the student government.

  1. A writer at the Vanderbilt Hustler blasts Comedy Central for pusillanimously censoring South Park in response to terrorist threats from Islamists.
  2. In the Dakota Student, an op-ed regular urges his University of North Dakota readers to liberate themselves from South Fork’s provincialism by traveling abroad as he’s done.
  3. A staffer at UConn’s Daily Campus explains why Arizona’s recently enacted immigration law is a good idea.
  4. On the opposite coast, a columnist in the University of Washington’s The Daily thinks that Arizona’s gone over the top with its treatment of minority citizens.
  5. An opinion columnist at the Montana Kaimin declares that the Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco has it right, while the Christian Legal Society has it wrong.
  6. At Ohio State, the editor of The Lantern responds to student complaints that his newspaper stinks.
  7. A writer in the Oklahoma Daily rejects the “hook-up” culture on the University of Oklahoma campus, generating some strong and surprising responses.
  8. In UCLA’s Daily Bruin, an op-ed writer argues that gaining admission to the school is too much of a rat-race, and misses aspects of evaluating prospective students that really matter.
  9. Writing in the Minnesota Daily at UM/ Minneapolis, one student ponders the “national malaise” he thinks is presently weighing heavily on the country.
  10. With a much-touted “feminist pornographer” due to perform on campus with the approval of Princeton’s administration, a Daily Princetonian columnist asks why anyone thinks that it’s worthwhile.
  11. A writer in the University of New Mexico’s Daily Lobo thinks that we’d all better get serious about reducing the size of our carbon footprints.
  12. At Swarthmore College, a candidate for student government president makes a pitch for votes by elaborating her platform goals.
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