Collegiate Press Roundup 11-23-10

Glenn Ricketts

We present our regular review of selected student journalists and editors. This week, they size up anti-smoking codes, cracking down on texting drivers and due process rights for accused terrorists.

  1. The editors of UCLA’s Daily Bruin think that more social science course offerings should incorporate community service components among their requirements, so that students can get some hands-on practical experience.
  2. Anti-smoking regulations may be well intended, writes a regular for The Wheel at Emory University, but you’ve got to make a more direct case with the smokers themselves.
  3. And how, says a political science major in The GW Hatchet.  Can anyone really expect to get a job with the type of liberal education he’s been getting as an undergraduate?
  4. It’s bad enough that we’re headed for a “fiscal train wreck,” says a regular writer for The Dartmouth. Even worse, though, is the fact that absolutely nobody in Washington – Democrats, Republicans, the lot of ‘em - has a clue.
  5. A columnist for The Lantern at Ohio State tries to make sense of terrorism and concludes that he can’t.
  6. A contingent from the Westboro Baptist Church is coming to East Lansing in the near future. Don’t pay any attention to them, advise the editorial board of MSU’s State News.
  7. Fat Studies is a good thing for the most part, says a staffer for The Sophian at Smith College. But she also offers a couple of reservations about the emerging discipline which its proponents should heed.
  8. A columnist for the Temple News thinks we’ve got to get over our addiction to super-models and sleek athletes, which drives our intolerance of obese folks.
  9. Texting while driving is a major cause of serious road accidents, and the editors of The Oklahoma Daily think we need to really throw the book at violators.
  10. It’s a worthy goal to increase the graduation rate of college football players, says a writer for Oregon’s The Daily Emerald. But please, don’t baby them in the process, either.
  11. Commenting on the recent trial of Ahmed Khaflan Ghailani, a columnist for the Johns Hopkins Newsletter argues that the Constitution’s due process provisions should be extended to alleged terrorists, as they are to any other criminal defendants.
  12. Public education in the United States is in very sad shape, says an op ed writer for The New Hampshire, and he offers some suggestions for straightening out the mess.
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