Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

We present our regular review of selected student journalists and editors.  This week, they’re on about all-female colleges, the significance of Martin Luther King Day, marriage equality and the effects of astrological vicissitudes. 

1)      News item from the Claremont-McKenna Forum features an address by Scripps College president Lori Bettison -Varga, in which she explains the continuing importance of all-female undergraduate colleges.

2)      A writer for the Yale Daily News thinks that the airport security procedures he was obliged to observe on his return to the US were more than a little excessive, and probably ineffective as well.

3)      After visiting a campus job fair, a Classics major complains to Chicago Maroon readers that it was heavily skewed in favor of math and economics students. Hey, she says, I can do anything they can do.

4)      2011 must be the year of LGBTQ victories, says an editorialist for the Indiana Daily Student, and sees growing public support for marriage equality.

5)      At Florida State University, a columnist for the FSView Online thinks that a new racially expurgated edition of Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn exemplifies PC gone completely over the top.

6)      A reviewer in USC’s Daily Trojan analyzes the presidential memoir of George W. Bush, and comes away understanding the deficiencies of his administration. 

7)      A news analyst for the Tulane Hullabloo can’t see where the tragic shootings in Tucson were connected to anything except the gunman’s mental illness.

8)      Two colleagues writing in the UCLA Daily Bruin note the gender imbalances among graduate disciplines: few women in physics, no men in art history. It’s not a big deal, they conclude.

9)      Writing in the Daily Pennsylvanian, a U of P student tries to square the various strands of her religious and ethnic background with the demands of campus multiculturalism.

10)  As Martin Luther King Day looms, an op ed regular for South Carolina’s Daily Gamecock offers thoughts on the civil rights leader’s legacy. Some spirited comments follow.

11)  A columnist for Vanderbilt University’s InsideVandy assesses the quality of reader reactions to her opinion pieces. The notion of a diversity of ideas and measured exchanges of opinion need some work, she concludes.

12)  An opinion editor for the University of Oregon’s Daily Emerald dabbles in some astrological satire.

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