Climate Thugs Get Thuggish

Glenn Ricketts

Climate change, NAS president Peter Wood argues at his CHE blog, is not an easy subject to discuss calmly and rationally these days, especially in most academic precincts. Even the slightest dissent from the "consensus" - i.e., global warming is for real, it's caused by human activity, dire consequences are certain, emergency action is needed immediately and you'd better believe it or else - is attacked by "climate thugs," who seek to silence, suppress, sue or smear their critics.

Wow! Did he ever get that one right. Have a look at the comments thread - still growing as of this post - if you'd like to see exhibit A of the personal invective, petulance, angry spewing and temper tantrums his piece generated among the "warmists." It's quite a spectacle.

What's really encouraging, though, is the overwhelmingly negative response of most other posters, including those otherwise sympathetic to the "warmist" postition. And not only there: the piece was quickly linked at Climate,etc, where an avalanche of sympathetic responses quickly arose. Apparently lots of people have been aware of "climate thuggery" for some time, and Peter's piece simply said it plainly. The "thugs" don't get it, of course, but it's good to see that so many others, even their supporters, do.

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