Another Dystopian Professor

Candace de Russy

  • Article
  • January 14, 2010

Over at Democracy Project, Winfield Myers illustrates anew how intellectually unsound many of our campuses have become by spotlighting the nihilistic Weltanschauung of Andrew March, a young political scientist at Yale University (as analyzed in an essay by Janet Doerflinger). March posits that there is no need for for a legal obligation to prohibit incest or, in order to validate the Muslim concept of polygamy, for the government to give precedence to traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Myers insightfully concludes:

Dystopian describes perfectly a world that actively seeks to deny natural law. Perhaps March is familiar with the work of Princeton ethicist Peter Singer, who also denies the efficacy of natural law and moral tradition, including that which can be derived via observed phenomena without revelation.
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