NAS now has an RSS feed! RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is a feature found on most blogs. It is a convenient way for readers to stay up-to-date with their favorite websites. When you subscribe to an RSS feed of a particular site, new material from that site automatically feeds in to a centralized location, such as Google Reader.
RSS helps people who visit several blogs or websites regularly to see what’s new at each one. For instance, if you frequently check, Phi Beta Cons, FIRE’s The Torch, ACTA’s Must-Reads, and Inside Higher Ed, you could save a few steps with RSS. Instead of going successively to each site, you can subscribe to all of them using Google Reader. Then each one of those websites posts something new, you’ll receive it in one location on Google Reader. Or you could read your feeds without Google Reader, by clicking the “Feeds” tab under Favorites in Internet Explorer.
When you subscribe, you’ll receive every article, initiative, brief note, and press release that we post to our website within 15 minutes of the original posting. Now that we are publishing new articles every day, this feed will become an important way for readers to stay updated on our activities and writings.
We hope you’ll subscribe to the new NAS feed, keep up with what we’re doing, and share it with your friends! (Look for the orange icon at the top right corner of our homepage.)
If you are unfamiliar with RSS feeds, here is a helpful, 2-minute video guide to using Google Reader.