Mark Bauerlein

Academic Questions View all

June 24, 2024

The Woke Effect

Mark Bauerlein

Mark Bauerlein dissects the attempts of two celebrated conservative authors to trace the origins and implications of the “woke” revolution. Bauerlein concludes that the insights provided b......

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July 22, 2022

Netflix Whiffs on the Humanities

Mark Bauerlein

A review of "The Chair," a limited streaming television series,, 2021, 1 Season.

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February 25, 2021

The Few, the Proud, the Profs

Mark Bauerlein

For an academic field so self-consciously preoccupied with intelligence, the humanities don’t seem to be run very intelligently. Humanities fields now account for only around five percent o......

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Articles View all

July 21, 2016

Final Advice for the Untenured Conservative Humanist

Mark Bauerlein

Part 3: Service. When you join a committee, you either make your colleagues' workdays easier or make them harder. If the latter, they will remember the fact and it may very well come up at te......

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July 21, 2016

More Advice for the Untenured Conservative Humanist

Mark Bauerlein

Part 2: Teaching. Sage-on-the-stage, the flipped classroom? No need for that. Just avoid a few crucial missteps. Plus: How to raise your students’ grades without inflating them. From First......

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July 21, 2016

Some Advice for the Untentured Conservative Humanist

Mark Bauerlein

Part 1: Research. If you are an untenured humanities who is also a religious or social conservative, the bar is set higher for you. Mark Bauerlein is here to offer advice to the untenured professor.&n......

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