Daniel B. Klein

Academic Questions View all

June 24, 2024

Statement of Commitment to Academic Freedom and to Intellectual Merit

Daniel B. Klein

Members of the economics department at George Mason University have issued a “Statement of Commitment to Academic Freedom and to Intellectual Merit.” Daniel Klein, a professor and co-author of the sta......

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Articles View all

October 30, 2020

The Improprieties and Unjustness of the Discourse Advocating Woke Agendas

Daniel B. Klein

In a recent lecture, Professor Klein offers a distinction between "calling loudly" and "proffering coolly," modeled after Adam Smith's discussion of the concepts.

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September 23, 2011

Academe's House Divided

Daniel B. Klein

Daniel B. Klein reviews The Still Divided Academy, the final work of NAS and AQ editorial advisory board member Stanley Rothman, which was completed after his death by April Kelly-Woessner and Matth......

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