The Issue at a Glance

Carol Iannone


Four Reasons Why Heterodox Academy Failed
Nathan Cofnas, University of Cambridge
Seven years ago, under the leadership of Jonathan Haidt, Heterodox Academy set out to organize a meaningful resistance to the reigning social justice orthodoxy on campus. “Seven years later,” writes Nathan Cofnas, “you can count HxA’s accomplishments in promoting heterodoxy on the fingers of zero hands.”

Courts versus Campuses: The Struggle to Protect Free Speech
George R. La Noue, University of Maryland Baltimore Campus (emeritus)
A review of several recent court cases reveals that the most serious threats to academic freedom may originate from within the campus community, not from outside.

Decolonizing Science
J. Scott Turner, National Association of Scholars
It is far from clear that Western science has suppressed or damaged “indigenous knowledge,” as a recent editorial in Nature suggests. But there is an important story to tell about science, natural resources, and the developing world.

From Dante to Dostoevsky: The Golden Age of Christian Art (1321-1821)
Duke Pesta, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
The focus on sacrificial, other-centered love in the works of both authors exemplifies the profound influence of Christianity on the great Western art of the half-millennium that separates them.

Stratification Economics: How Social Science Fails
John Staddon, Duke University
In violation of the most basic tenets of social science, the proposed sub-field of “Stratification Economics” seeks to limit, rather than expand, our understanding of income variation between racial groups.


Colonialism: Taking the Good with the Bad
P. Eric Louw, author of Decolonization and White Africans (2022)
Two recent books take very different positions on decolonization: one “wallows” in today’s academically fashionable “restorative justice” ideology. The other seeks to restore decolonization’s traditional meaning and facilitate self-government for formerly colonized people.


On Buckley’s God and Man at Yale at Seventy
Noël Valis
A Yale professor assesses William F. Buckley’s screed against “values-neutral” education in light of the “troubling erosion of democratic principles” on today’s campus.

Culture and Cultural Appropriation
Daniel Asia, University of Arizona
The diffusion of art and culture across continents and oceans typically accompanies great human progress, as different enthusiasms and inspirations are absorbed and utilized by more people. The only “appropriation” in all of this is carried out by those who politicize culture for political gain.

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