Erratum for Book Review in Fall 2011 Academic Questions

The following is an erratum for the book review by David Gordon entitled "Alma Mater, Almus Pater," which appears in the Fall 2011 Academic Questions (vol. 24, no. 3). To read the book review in its entirety, click here.


“Alma Mater, Almus Pater,” David Gordon’s review of Howard S. Schwartz’s Society Against Itself: Political Correctness and Organizational Self-Destruction in the Fall 2011 Academic Questions (vol. 24, no. 3), contains this sentence in the penultimate paragraph:

Schwartz’s speculation that the 1973 Antioch strike was, due to the presence of “ghetto-bred…swaggering black males,” about the politics of sex, may leave readers equally skeptical (and disconcerted).

The sentence is incorrect on two points. The words in quotation marks are not an exact quotation. Furthermore, they are not Schwartz’s words but come from an extended quotation that he cites from a draft version of Crisis and Change in an Organization: A Case Study of Antioch College, by J.O. Yalman and E.K. Wilson. The original sentence by Yalman and Wilson is the second sentence below and is presented in context, as it is in Schwartz’s book:

We suggest, then, that the admission in large numbers of very poor ghetto blacks was an unfortunate decision—if, indeed, it was a conscious act. For it added to ghetto-bred aggression the swaggering, muscle-stretching macho of males disproportionately lacking adult male role models. There is no question that providing a fruitful education for black students at Antioch would have had more prospects of success, had the sex ratio been reversed, 70% of the admissions being women. (445–46)

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