August 25, 2008

"Protect Our Freedoms" APSA Members Petition

Members of the American Political Science Association, which is scheduled to have its annual meeting in Toronto next year, have drafted a petition that consideration be given to relocating the meeti......

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August 22, 2008

When I Squeeze You, You Make Noise!

Peter Wood

NAS executive director Peter Wood considers the rationale behind Princeton's "25 Most Influential Alumni" list. Not to miss among the "Portraits of Influence" is the man who gave us the Rubber Duc......

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August 21, 2008

The Communitarian ResLife Movement: Part 3

Tom Wood

What can a mission statement tell us about a college's susceptibility to communitarian ideals? Thomas Wood compares the mission statements of Harvard, Berkeley, and U of Delaware.

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August 20, 2008


Ashley Thorne

Multicultural welcome receptions at California State University at Chico raise the question, "Do differences really define who we are?"

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August 18, 2008

The Communitarian ResLife Movement: Part 2

Tom Wood

Thomas Wood explains how the three circles of sustainability overlap to produce a new pedagogy in residence halls.

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August 15, 2008

Olympic Ironies

Ashley Thorne

Perhaps the Olympic spirit reflects good, instinctual, but stifled life principles - rejected especially by higher education. Enjoy it while you can.

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August 14, 2008

Can Social Workers Be Competent? And Other Conundrums Arising from Charles Murray's Call for Replacing College Degrees with Competency Exams

Peter Wood

Charles Murray asserts that the degree should be replaced by the CPA-like certification. NAS executive director Peter Wood comments on Murray's suggestion and indicates possible flaws in the sch......

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August 14, 2008

Now on Sale

Peter Wood

Lovely handcrafted hobo sticks and bundles now available for purchase from NAS.

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August 11, 2008

A Critic in Full: A Conversation with Tom Wolfe

Carol Iannone

This article, an interview with Tom Wolfe, appeared in Academic Questions (vol. 21, no. 2).

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

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