November 19, 2009

In Search of Lost Time

David Clemens

Around 10 B.C.E., the Roman poet Horace asserted that poetry’s purpose is “to delight and instruct.”  More recently, in the Wall Street Journal, James Collins declared th......

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November 19, 2009

December Academic Questions Issue Now Online

Ashley Thorne

NAS members and AQ subscribers, the December issue is available online. You can log in and download and print individual articles or simply read them on your computer. If you are a member/subscriber......

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November 19, 2009

Phony Emotion, Diversity, and Hate Studies

Ashley Thorne

James Taranto has an excellent analysis of the controversy at NYU over Professor Tunku Varadarajan's column on the Fort Hood massacre. In "The 'Diversity' Sham," he notes NYU President J......

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November 19, 2009

Ward Connerly at the University of Arizona

Daniel Asia

Ward Connerly spoke at the University of Arizona just a few weeks ago. He was masterly. At five minutes before his talk was to begin there were only five people in the audience. At the start there wer......

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November 18, 2009

Old Sexual Morality Out, New Environmental Morality In

Candace de Russy

"Get ready for Gender-Neutral Housing, but Don't Poster about It" reads a headline at Bwog, the blog of the Blue and White, a student magazine at Columbia University. Winfield Myers's ironic......

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November 18, 2009

Are We Sure That Students Add to Their Human Capital?

George Leef

A couple of weeks ago, I started reading the new book Crossing the Finish Line, which purports to make the case for getting a lot more young Americans not only into, but through college. Almost......

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November 18, 2009

What Do Sexual Harassment and Global Warming Have in Common?

Ashley Thorne

Foolish mandates, says David Little at ChicoER. See also the memo notifying employees that they must document all mileage traveled for university business, in order to "help the campus to achie......

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November 18, 2009

Dalrymple on Requiring University for Nurses

Ken Daniszewski

Theodore Dalrymple comments in the Telegraph on a government requirement that new nurses in the UK will have to hold a degree-level qualification beginning in 2013. Dalrymple sees no intrinsic reaso......

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November 18, 2009

NAS President's Report

Peter Wood

President Peter Wood tells what's next for the National Association of Scholars and gives five ways new members can help our work.

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November 17, 2009

Ivory Tower Teaching Explains Fort Hood

Candace de Russy

Cross-posted from Phi Beta Cons: In the aftermath of the Fort Hood massacre, and the mounting evidence that the shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan, was motivated by Islamist beliefs, the......

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