December 7, 2009


Candace de Russy

Fast facts about Climategate, from Charlie Martin.

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December 7, 2009

Popper on Plato, Social Justice and Political Correctness

Mitchell Langbert

I have been reading Karl Popper's Open Society and Its Enemies, Volume I and am awestruck with Popper's scholarship and its relevance to currently percolating issues such as social justice edu......

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December 7, 2009

Squeezing the Grapefruit

Ashley Thorne

NAS president Peter Wood’s book review of Stylized: A Slightly Obsessive History of Strunk & White's The Elements of Style, is linked on Arts and Letters Daily.

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December 4, 2009

How Climategate Went Global

Candace de Russy

In admirable contrast with the U.S. MSM -- which to its great shame has barely (if at all) covered the momentous climate-change, leaked e-mails scandal --  the Sunday T......

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December 4, 2009

Yes Minister and Foreign Students

Ashley Thorne

Carol Iannone, the Editor-at-Large of our journal Academic Questions, writes in: Recently I just happened upon the DVDs of Yes, Minister, an absolutely superb British comedy series from the 1980s......

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December 3, 2009

Do Atheists Need Chaplains Too?

Ashley Thorne

A humanist student group called the Tufts Freethought Society asks for a spiritual guide.

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December 3, 2009

Cary Nelson: Stealth Conservative?

Peter Wood

Three comments responding to his article "The AAUP: A View From the Top."

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December 2, 2009

Climate Science or 'Scientology'?

Candace de Russy

Charlie Martin skewers "Fraud Denier" warmist Phil Plait for calling the global warming e-mails a "non-event." Here's Martin's emphatic refutation at Discover, which appears to be ......

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December 2, 2009

Privatize State Fine Arts Education

George Leef

North Carolina is one of three states with a government-run fine arts education institution. The UNC School of the Arts was created back in 1965 by politicians who thought it would be a good thing t......

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December 2, 2009

New York and CUNY Association of Scholars NYC Event December 13

Ashley Thorne

Via Professor David Gordon, president of NAS's New York affiliate, an announcement specifically for NAS members: THE NEW YORK ASSOCIATION OF SCHOLARS THE CUNY ASSOCIATION OF SCHOLARS  ......

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