December 22, 2009

Perhaps Yale Administrators are the Sissies

Ashley Thorne

FIRE president Greg Lukianoff has an article in the Huffington Post about Yale' s qualms over a t-shirt with an F. Scott Fitzgerald quote: "I think of all Harvard men as sissies." Lukianoff wrot......

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December 22, 2009

Virginia Tech Reasserts 'Diversity' Folly: Part 2

Peter Wood

NAS fisks Virginia Tech's new Strategic Diversity Plan, which fills the sandbags of advocacy against the rising tide of common sense.

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December 21, 2009

Robert P. George in the New York Times

Ashley Thorne

Check out this NYT article on NAS Board of Advisors member Robert P. George. 

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December 20, 2009

Online Education: Why We Need More of It

Jonathan Bean

Many who argue for a return to a more traditional, rigorous curriculum are also critical of online education. In this blog, I make the case that online education can help scholars reach nontradition......

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December 19, 2009

"Death to Moby Dick!"

David Clemens

 The Chronicle of Higher Education jobs list includes this gem: “The Department of English at UCLA invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in Residence, in the area o......

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December 19, 2009

Climategate Opens Wider

Candace de Russy

James Delingpole, in the Telegraph, recently noted: Climategate just got much, much bigger. And all thanks to the Russians who, with perfect timing, dropped this bombshell just as the world’......

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December 18, 2009

Is Scandal Inevitable When Scientists Become Activists?

Alex B. Berezow

By now, most of the world has heard of "Climategate"-- the e-mail scandal surrounding the Hadley Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in the UK. (If you are unfamiliar with......

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December 18, 2009

Michelle Malkin on Zinn and 'Social Justice' Education

Ashley Thorne

This week in Frontpage Magazine Michelle Malkin has an article, "Hollywood and Howard Zinn's Marxist Education Project." Here's an excerpt: Zinn’s objective is not to impar......

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December 18, 2009

Arne Duncan on Student Lending

George Leef

In today's Wall Street Journal, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan contributes a piece entitled "Banks Don't Belong in the Student Loan Business." What he opposes is federally subsidized ban......

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December 18, 2009

Do We Need Class-Based Affirmative Action?

George Leef

I was recently asked to respond to that question for The Chronicle Review, prompted by a recent study finding that many college students who drop out say that the reason they did so was too much pre......

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

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