January 15, 2010

NAS Urges Court to Rule Racial Preferences at U Texas Unconstitutional

Ashley Thorne

The NAS has signed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin.

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January 14, 2010

The Price of Academic Integrity

Mitchell Langbert

News Busters, the blog of the Media Research Center, reports that the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) has stated that Michael Mann, a Penn State climatological researcher involved......

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January 14, 2010

Another Dystopian Professor

Candace de Russy

Over at Democracy Project, Winfield Myers illustrates anew how intellectually unsound many of our campuses have become by spotlighting the nihilistic Weltanschauung of Andrew March, a young politica......

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January 14, 2010

No Economics Courses Required for UNC Social and Economic Justice Minor

Ashley Thorne

From Division of Labour, via Phi Beta Cons: At UNC-Chapel Hill one can earn a minor in social and economic justice without taking an economics course. See for yourself here (scroll down)......

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January 14, 2010

Book Review: Voting Rights - And Wrongs, The Quest for Racially Fair Elections

Ed Cutting

A review of a new book about the Voting Rights Act by NAS Board of Advisors member Abigail Thernstrom.

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January 13, 2010

Roger Clegg on Why Race-Based Affirmative Action Isn't Worth It

Ashley Thorne

From Minding the Campus: It is personally unfair, passes over better qualified students, and sets a disturbing legal, political, and moral precedent in allowing racial discrimination; it creates r......

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January 13, 2010

Origin of Social Justice Education: Mill's Utilitarianism

Mitchell Langbert

I always thought of utilitarianism as a somewhat capitalistic hence individualistic philosophy.  I seem to remember reading John Stuart Mill's On Liberty in college and passages about the r......

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January 13, 2010

Tribalization of Science

Mitchell Langbert

Two years ago I blogged that the hard sciences had not suffered the political correctness that has hamstrung the social sciences.  In response,  Frank Tipler, a mathematical physicist at T......

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January 13, 2010

Making Higher Education Count

Ashley Thorne

How do we know whether American universities are really educating students?

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January 12, 2010

Response to Progressive Scholar

Candace de Russy

Last week I posted a copy of an exam from an introductory sociology class, forwarded to me by a colleague. The test was graded 100%. I quoted the exam at length and noted that sadly “A student......

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

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Backlash: Sometimes It Hurts So Good

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