June 9, 2010

Man Up!

David Clemens

Back in January I wrote about anti-male prejudice at the University of Wyoming here and mentioned the birth of a new “male positive” discipline called Male Studies.  An organizing w......

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June 9, 2010

NAS in the News This Week

Ashley Thorne

NAS had a spike in publicity when we released our report on freshman summer reading, "Beach Books: What Do Colleges Want Students to Read Outside Class?". Check out our press clippings from this wee......

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June 8, 2010

More on Science and Gender Equity

Glenn Ricketts

John Tierney has an interesting piece in today's New York Times about the ongoing controversy over what an "equitable" proportion of female faculty in scientific fields such as physics, aeronaut......

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June 8, 2010

Pets in Dorms...No Comment

Glenn Ricketts

Bring your pit bull to class? Colleges welcome quadraped companions.

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June 8, 2010

Shut Up, They Explained

Peter Wood

A Chronicle article about the NAS's latest research report draws out the PC vigilantes. Peter Wood responds.

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June 4, 2010

Beach Books: 2010-2011

Ashley Thorne

A report on the books assigned in 2010–2011 as "common reading."

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June 4, 2010

Reply to Wilson on Freshman Books

Ashley Thorne

A response to John K. Wilson's reaction to the NAS report "Beach Books: What Do Colleges Want Students to Read Outside Class?"

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June 3, 2010

Science, Academic Freedom and Public Funding

Glenn Ricketts

Several weeks ago, NAS President Peter Wood took note here of the inquiries by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who had announced his intention look into the use of reasearch funds granted......

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June 3, 2010

Collegiate Press Roundup 6-3-10

Glenn Ricketts

Student journalists this week write about senior reflections, Teach for America, the line between the offensive and the satirical, reverse racism and the new health care law.

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