October 27, 2011

Strong Dissent on Obama's New Student Loan Policy

George Leef

Andrew Gillen of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity registers strong dissent on Obama's new student loan policy in this essay on Minding the Campus. Just like Obama's move......

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October 27, 2011

Identity Group Factions and Western Civilization

William H. Young

William Young concludes a two-part examination of factions with a discussion of contemporary identity-group politics.

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October 27, 2011

The Chilly World of Campus Males

Warren Farrell

Warren Farrell describes the very hostile campus environment many college men encounter on arrival as freshmen. It doesn't abate, either.

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October 26, 2011

"If You Can Find a Better Core Curriculum, Buy It!"

George Leef

This week’s Pope Center Clarion Call is by Ed Jones of Belmont Abbey College and it’s about his school’s new (but really old) core curriculum. It stresses the importance of fundame......

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October 26, 2011

The Diversity Mania Invades Medical School Admissions

George Leef

Yale's med school is jumping aboard the bandwagon for increasing diversity in its student body, aiming to include more LGBT students. I can't see how aiming at quotas (or "goals" or some oth......

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October 26, 2011

Ask a Scholar: Low Interest Rates and the Liquidity Trap

John Mathys

Is our economy vulnerable to the Keynesian phenomenon known as the "liquidity trap"?

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October 26, 2011

Did College Create Occupy Wall Street?

Jason Fertig

The actions of the Occupy Wall Street protesters do not help refute the notion that Millennials are the Peter Pan Generation.

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October 26, 2011

Default Education

Peter Wood

College grads protesting their student-loan burden would do better to protest the quality of their college programs, writes Peter Wood.

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October 25, 2011

Women are Victims, Men are Bad

Glenn Ricketts

That's the message that incoming male freshmen frequently get when they arrive on campus these days, which Warren Farrell elaborates over at Minding the Campus. Despite steadily declining enroll......

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October 25, 2011

Prof. Art Carden on the OWS Protesters

George Leef

Writing on this Christian Science Monitor blog, Rhodes College economics professor Art Carden argues that while the protesters made some valid points (unwittingly, I'd say), they are on very thi......

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

The dark secret of anti-Semitism is that ignorance alone cannot explain it away or absolve those who adhere to it. If anything, the most vivid episodes of history’s anti-Semitism have......

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Professor Alleges "Widespread" Discriminatory Hiring Coverup at University of Washington

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Remembering Warren Winiarski

Peter Wood writes on the passing of Warren Winiarski, a long-time supporter and friend of the National Association of Scholars, who sought to cultivate civilization and the liberal arts......

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