September 12, 2012

Elite Colleges and the Coming Apart of America

George Leef

Charles Murray's new book argues that our elite colleges and universities are partially responsible for what he sees as America's unraveling. Is this true?

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September 12, 2012

AQ Fall 2012 Issue: “A Crucible Moment? A Forum on the President’s Call for a New Civics”

Crystal Plum

The fall 2012 issue of NAS’s journal Academic Questions presents a forum in which scholars respond to a call for a new kind of civics education.

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September 11, 2012

The "Existential" Crisis in Higher Education

Glenn Ricketts

The president of Syracuse analyzes the existentialism of higher education's current predicament.

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September 11, 2012

Are Modern Professors Experts on Good and Evil?

Bruce W. Davidson

An international conference on "perspectives on evil" revealed academics' weak understanding of morality.

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September 10, 2012

Mumford and Sons: God, Literature, and Rock and Roll

David Clemens

A deeper look at the lyrics of popular band Mumford and Sons reveals influences of Steinbeck and explorations of the 21st century male experience and his spiritual yearnings.

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September 7, 2012

California Association of Scholars: New Evidence of Politicization at UC

John M. Ellis

Although the University of California denied accusations of political activism earlier this year, CAS addresses the UC once more after recent events on campus.

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September 7, 2012

Ask a Scholar: Welfare, Single Mothers, and Marriage

Lawrence M. Mead

A politics scholar addresses the question, "Should marriage be a condition included in welfare reform? Would welfare benefits incentivize women to get married?&#......

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September 7, 2012

Student Press Corps on Politics, Marriage, Sandwiches, Middle East

Glenn Ricketts

Undergraduate pundits analyze trends in the  presidential race, waffle fries, impending climate catastrophe and the electoral system.

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September 6, 2012

Capitalism and Western Civilization: Immaterial Resources

William H. Young

William Young examines the vital role of immaterial resources in the educational process.

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