November 21, 2023

Event: Restoring the Sciences: Science Under Attack

National Association of Scholars

Free inquiry, open debate, and skeptical questioning are the cornerstones of healthy science. But does that describe science today?

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November 21, 2023

Ohio State Reports: DEI Litmus Tests

John D. Sailer

New documents from Ohio State University underscore a simple fact: for prospective faculty—both the sciences and the humanities—contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion can m......

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November 21, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving from Us to You

Kali Jerrard

As you reflect on the people and the things you’re grateful for this past year, we also want to reflect on a few things we are grateful for ...

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November 17, 2023

VIDEO: China’s Kindergarten to High School Influence Strategy

National Association of Scholars

In this webinar, we discuss how China is expanding its influence in American K-12 education through various avenues and what it means for the future of academic freedom in our school system.

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November 16, 2023

VIDEO: Recentering Our Universities

National Association of Scholars

Join us for a discussion on how we can restore a common civic education to the center of American public university education through new legislation.

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November 16, 2023

Press Release: General Education Act

National Association of Scholars

Restoring a common civic education to the center of American public university education through new legislation. 

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November 16, 2023

The General Education Act

Stanley Kurtz, David Randall and Jenna Robinson

This new model state legislation seeks to reform the way general education requirements function, refocusing these required credits on reviving and sustaining classical liberal education on campus.

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November 14, 2023

VIDEO: Moore's Law and the Creation of the Transistor

National Association of Scholars

Join us as we discuss how the transistor was originally developed, Moore's Law, and how it shaped the digital age in this webinar.

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November 14, 2023

Harvard, Hamas, Nazis, and Commies

Ian Oxnevad

Anti-Semitism is the norm of American higher education, and its hatred of Jews goes hand in hand with its hatred of Western ideals and its longstanding ties with totalitarian regimes like China.

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Don’t Cry for Them, Academia

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