November 14, 2019

Episode #45: Seth Forman on the Middle Class

Peter Wood

Seth Forman, the managing editor of NAS’s journal Academic Questions, joins Peter W. Wood to discuss the relationship between higher education and the middle class.

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November 13, 2019

Washington Voters Reject Referendum 88

Peter Wood

Washington voters reject a legislative initiative to enforce racial preferences. 

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November 13, 2019

Presidential Candidates on Higher Education

Rachelle Peterson

What do the top contenders for president have to say about higher education? Rachelle breaks down the top five Democratic candidates across ten policy issues. She also includes a section on President......

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November 12, 2019

New Foreign Disclosure Policy in an Age of Opacity

David Acevedo

The Department of Education has proposed new changes to foreign disclosure policy which would drastically improve financial transparency in American higher education.

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November 7, 2019

Episode #44: After Action Report on SFFA v. Harvard with Dennis Saffran

Peter Wood

Just a few weeks ago, federal district judge Allison Burroughs issued a decision in Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard, ruling that Harvard was not guilty of racial discrimination and affi......

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November 6, 2019

The Results Are In: Common Core is An All-Around Failure

David Randall

The National Assessment of Educational Progress has seen a steady decline in performance by students educated with Common Core standards. NAS Director of Research David Randall provides context for th......

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November 5, 2019

The Road to Implementing a Free Speech Bill in South Dakota

Peter Wood

H.B. 1807 passed the South Dakota legislature earlier this year, and now the Board of Regents must implement the free speech bill. Peter Wood offers his recommendations in this letter t......

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November 5, 2019

Referendum 88 and the Fight Against Affirmative Action

David Acevedo

Washington voters have a chance to reject I-1000 and ban racial preferences in their state by voting "NO" on Referendum 88.

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November 4, 2019

NAS Comments on Proposed Foreign Disclosure Regulations

National Association of Scholars

NAS's comment and recommendations on the Department of Education's proposed updates to foreign disclosure policy.

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November 4, 2019

Conference Call: Presidential Candidates on Higher Education

National Association of Scholars

Join us for a conference call next Wednesday, November 13, as NAS Policy Director Rachelle Peterson breaks down the higher ed plans of leading presidential candidates.

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