
View media produced by the National Association of Scholars

December 13, 2011

Video: Neal McCluskey on Student Loans Driving up Tuition

The associate director of the Center for Educational Freedom discusses college cost inflation with Andy Nash.

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November 9, 2011

Video: Trevor Gast on Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

A student loan expert weighs in on loan forgiveness: "it's really putting a band-aid on a much bigger problem."

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May 23, 2011

Video: Jane Shaw on Great Books

"There are so many faculty members who have rejected all these great writings of the past."

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May 20, 2011

Video: Peter Wood on Higher Ed Reform

At "Higher Education Reform: Where the Right and the Left Meet," NAS president Peter Wood spoke about what's wrong with higher ed and what we can do to fix it.

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May 12, 2011

Video: The Federal Takeover of Higher Education

Peter Wood spoke about the effects of federal direct lending on rising generations and higher education at a panel with the Family Research Council.

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