
See all upcoming and past events hosted by the the National Association of Scholars.

February 12, 2009

Panel 2: The Changing Economic and Technical Landscape of Higher Education

Video: Panel 2 at the January 2009 NAS conference, chaired by Herbert London, included Andrew Gillen (representing Richard Vedder), Richard Bishirjian, and Scott Jaschik.

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January 30, 2009

Electracy What a Tangled Web We Weave

Peter Wood

If electronic proficiency replaces literacy, can we be truly whole?

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January 29, 2009

Panel 1: The Changing Political Landscape of Higher Education

The first panel at the recent NAS conference, moderated by Anne Neal, included Abigail Thernstrom, Greg Lukianoff, Terry Hartle, and Diane Auer Jones.

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January 20, 2009

NAS Conference Keynote Speaker: "Western Culture is Unique"

Video: Victor Davis Hanson, champion of Western civilization, addressed the NAS conference on January 9, 2009.

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