
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 14, 2009

Leach's Big Reach

Ashley Thorne

Jim Leach, the new chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, wants to correct Americans' "disrespectful" attitude towards Muslim culture by giving the NEH a new theme: "Bridging Cul......

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October 14, 2009

Outbreak of Civilized Debate at UNC!

George Leef

In this week's Clarion Call, my Pope Center colleague Jay Schalin writes about an unexpected development -- an outbreak of civilized debate at the University of North Carolina. Last spring, free......

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October 14, 2009

New Book by NAS Board Member

Ken Doyle

Today we introduce a new feature on our website in which NAS members write about books they have authored. Our first such article is by NAS board member Ken Doyle.

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October 13, 2009

The Quick Path to a Graduate Degree

Ashley Thorne

The remarks below were sent in from Dr. Jeremiah Reedy, who serves on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Scholars and was the founding president of the Minnesota Association......

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October 13, 2009

Academics are Influential

Jay Bergman

Those of us who have criticized the worst excrescences of political correctness in academia, such as the cult of cosmetic diversity that is oblivious to the benefits of intellectual diversity, have......

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