
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

November 19, 2010

Diversity Babble

Douglas Campbell

California State University, Chico circumvents the law with disingenuous rationalizations for "diversity."

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November 19, 2010

21st-Century Studies

Peter Wood

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Center for 21st Century Studies is an example of the academic left recycling clichés and passing them off as modern.

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November 18, 2010

More Ideas for Reducing the Cost of College

Ashley Thorne

Here's the next installment (chapters 6-12) from our CCAP friends in their report, “25 Ways to Reduce the Cost of College.” We at NAS especially appreciate #6. And we recently p......

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November 18, 2010

Ask a Scholar: A Burning Question

Kosta Steliou

What's the curious byproduct in my wood-burning stove this year?

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November 17, 2010

Accreditation and Educational Quality

George Leef

In this week's Pope Center Clarion Call, I discuss the recent study done by the Center for College Affordability and Productivity on higher ed accreditation. The authors conclude that college ac......

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