
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 14, 2010

If You Criticize Higher Education, Does That Mean You're McCarthyite?

George Leef

In this excellent Minding the Campus essay, history professor KC Johnson tears apart the scurrilous effort of another historian, Ellen Schrecker, to paint those who call for serious reform in higher......

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December 14, 2010

Free to Indoctrinate: The AAUP Applauds Penn State's Retreat from Academic Freedom

Ashley Thorne

Penn State is revising its statement on academic freedom to permit faculty members the right to bring one-sided opinions on controversial topics to class. The radicalized AAUP thinks this is a good......

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December 14, 2010

Racism at Wesleyan?

Peter Wood

Peter Wood reviews the affirmative action bake sale controversy at Wesleyan University and calls for a more circumspect use of the label "racist."

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December 13, 2010

"Mindless" Pursuit of College Degrees Comes at a High Cost

Ashley Thorne

Approximately 60 percent of the increase in the number of college graduates from 1992 to 2008 worked in jobs that the Bureau of Labor Statistics considers relatively low skilled.

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December 13, 2010

Are Organic and Green Products a Scam?

Alex B. Berezow

More and more scientific research is showing that organic and green products don't live up to expectations--or even to the label, for that matter.

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